Wine Dinner (Week of 4/16/23)


                                                                 posted by ryanh19 on 4/16/23 

Yesterday was a very nice day out with temperatures in the 60s and 70s with blue skies and some very nice scattering from the clouds on the Blue Ridge Mountains. I did a wine dinner with one of my friends yesterday evening. It was very different and we wanted to see what effect fast food would have on the tastes and aromas of the wines. We got Cookout from South Main Street and went to Heritage Park to do the dinner while we watched the sunset. 

Photo of my friend in the class and I with the dinner 

Photo of the Big Double Burger from Cookout 
Photo of the side of Hush Puppies from Cookout 
Photo of the side of Cajun Fries from Cookout 

The main "entree" for the dinner was the Big Double Burger that was topped lettuce, tomato, and cheese with the burger. The Big Double Burger has a sweet, sour, and salt taste/aroma in additon to all the condiments on it.The hush puppies taste very sweet with a sort of corny aroma to them and I thought they would be a good addition with the wines we were tasting. The final side is Cajun Fries which tasted very salty and peppery with the seasoning. 

                               Photo of me and the first wine Boom Boom 

My first wine I had was called Boom Boom. The varietal is the Syrah and the year is 2019. It is from Washington State. I liked this red wine as it had a hint of cherry, blackberry, vanillla, and oak. It is very dry and has a light body. It has a more tannic, but alittle smooth tast to make a balance. First with the pairings, the Big Double Burger paired with the wine is very good because it goes well with the beef componet and makes it more saltier. It was the best pairing. Both the sides did not make a difference for the wine and made both of them less pronounced with their tastes. This was especially the case of the cajun fries. 

                                  Photo of me and the second wine Barefoot Frutitscato Blueberry 

       My second wine I had was a Blueberry Barefoot. This wine was very sweet with a strong aroma of blueberry and nothing else. This wine is from California has a moscato varietal grape. The year was 2021. I thint this pairing would have been better with a dessert like brownies. Firstly, this wine made the Big Double Burger a lot more bitter and gave it a bit more of a spicier taste to it. Surprisngly, this gave about the same affect to the Cajun Fries and Hush Puppies. They both, especially the Cajun Fries, gave off more of a saltier taste with both of them. Overall, I was not a fan of this pairing as it would have been better with a desert item. 

Photo of me and the second wine Stella Mia

                    Finally, the last wine we tried is a Stella Mia. This wine is from Italy and has a varietal of Moscato. It is from the year 2021 My review of this wine is very good. This is a very sweet and smooth wine that is accomponied by its low alcohol content. It gives off a very citrusy punch and green apple for its aroma. It tastes like a good combination of watermelon and strawberry. With the pairings, I was not a big fan of them but they were not as bad as the Barefoot. This wine made the Big Double Burger very sweet and emphasized saltiness in the condiments of the burger. The wine also brought out a lot more sweetness and the corn flavor from the Hush Puppies. Finally, the Cajan Fries were much saltier . as a result of the sweetness of the wine. Ultimately, the pairing was better than the Barefoot but I think could have been better with a dessert. Overall, the Boom Boom wine had the best pairing combination over the Barefoot and the Stella Mia. The Barefoot and Stella Mia are best paired with desserts. 


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